Sunday, December 25, 2011

Extended Christmas

Dear All,

Christmas came so quickly this year! I decided to add some photos of my ornaments and decorations to extend it a bit longer.

Some antique Christmas ornaments (above and below). The next one rocks like a rocking horse.

Another Swedish/Norwegian ornament. It bends and can be shaped anyway you like! It also has little clay clogs. So cute. I've been displaying him for 28 years!

Norwegian woven wheat star ornament.

A Swiss angel on a chocolate base.

Window display in my small town.

Merry Christmas!

Frohlich Weinachten!

Joyeux Noel!


Zdolność-tworzenia said...

Świetny Mikołaj ze sznurka.
Wesołych świąt.

Nancy said...

They are all beautiful and I know each holds a special memory for you....I hope your Christmas was filled with peace and joy and abundant blessings....