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Thank you for stopping by my blog. I hope you are having a nice day.
Here is my first attempt at needle felting a santa and I am going to call him "Pere Noel."
Needle felting is interesting and fun to try. Normally, I make wet-felted pieces or scarves using a Japanese felting technique called Nuno felting. However, needle felting is a bit different. You take some fleece, roll it into whatever shape you want to achieve, and poke it with a needle with prongs to lock in and mesh the fibers together.
There are online felting classes and Youtube videos that show the different felting techniques. I have some felting links on my sidebar as well. Please browse through them. You will be totally inspired to give it a try. Here's a great needle felt artist: Felt Alive.
Please visit my etsy store:
Best regards,
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